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 What search engine provides you with most relevant results?

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Andrew W

What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: What search engine provides you with most relevant results?   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyJeu 12 Oct - 13:27

Dear Online User,

We are seeking your feedback about your online search experience with MSN, Yahoo and Cooqle.
Our hope is this process will help us meet and refine your expectations
and improve our services while you are searching online for products,
and services and to save you time and provide even better search experience in future.

The survey is user-friendly, do not require to complete any forms and you should be
able to complete it within 3-5 minutes or less.

Below we provide you with links to MSN,Yahoo and Cooqle with the same search terms.

By following links, you will get search results from those search engines and our goal is to determine,
which one will provide you with most relevant results for your area without explicitly disclosing your location.

We selected "auto insurance" as our search terms and
want to see if any of search engines will provide you with results related to your location.

We appreciate your willingness to participate and value your feedback.

To begin, please click the URL below(no form completion required, we will track your results automatically):

Survey URL:
Auto Insurance - Cooqle
Auto Insurance - MSN
Auto Insurance - Yahoo

Thank you for your participation.
Cooqle Team
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: Body Building   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyLun 15 Jan - 10:19

Hi everybody. Can somebody give me an advice? I'm a body builder, and now I want to buy a Bowflex home gym here: BowflexHomeGymEquipment. Anybody uses such machine? Is it good not only for fitness but for body building also?
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: I have a problem with my card   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyMar 16 Jan - 8:42

Greetings to everybody. Can somebody give me an avice about how to eliminate credit card debt? My friend gave me a few links, here they are: eliminate credit card debt, eliminate debt, eliminating credit card debt legally.
Maybe you could give me some more links? Thank you very much.
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: iPodNano   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyJeu 18 Jan - 5:53

Hello everybody! I want to buy Apple iPod nano...
Can somebody help me to choose the best model? Thank you Smile
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: A question about VoIP   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyVen 19 Jan - 20:49

Greetings! Does anybody use vonage phone service? Is it as cheap as the advertisement says? Is it better than usual phone? I often call my sister in Canada, and spend lots of money on these calls. Please give me some advice, maybe it would be better for me to use VoIP?
Thank you.
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: JiffyLube   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptySam 20 Jan - 9:03

Hello! Somebody here (I don't remember the name of the topic) looked for the info about JiffyLube and JiffyLube coupons.. I've found something important about this.
I'm glad if this information would help you Smile
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: Blocbuster Video!   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyLun 22 Jan - 21:01

Hi everybody. Have you seen new prices in Blockbuster Video? They are extremely low, and they even give a free trial. It's just a present for all the movie fans!
Don't miss it, guys! Smile
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: I have a problem with eyes   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyMar 23 Jan - 21:38

Greetings to everyone who's reading my message. I have a problem with my eyes, and I'm thinking about LASIK surgery. But I'm not sure, is it really as effective as the advertisment says? Here I found some surgeons, can I trust them: lasik eye surgery, lasik online information, lasik surgery, lasik eye surgery in Canada? Maybe somebody can give me any advice? I really need it! Sad
Thank you very much
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: Tell me please   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyMer 24 Jan - 5:00

Hello everybody. Please leave some links where I could buy quality replica swiss watch online. Here are links that I found, but I'd like to have a bigger choice:
replica swiss watches
replica watch
replica rolex watches
Thank you!
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: Style,shoes   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyJeu 25 Jan - 21:55

Hello everybody! I've found a couple of fabulous shoes stores. Trere are some fantastic thigh high boots Wink
But I'm not sure about buying such boots...They are sexy but too provocative I think..
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: Where to find manual?   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyMer 31 Jan - 20:13

Hi everybody! My husband bought a great sony bravia LCD TV, but he lost manual! Please tell me where can I find one.
Thank you very much!
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: Why do we let people sell drugs?   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyJeu 15 Fév - 20:42

I think that letting sell such drugs as cialis[/url], and others without prescription is very dangerous! I tell you this as a doctor with diploma.
Our government should do all its best to prevent and stop this!
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: A new topic   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? EmptyDim 11 Mar - 9:39

Hi, you're right! And look at my sites, maybe you'll find something useful here: penney[/url] store[/url] penneys[/url] clothes[/url] billing software[/url] billing and coding[/url] shoes[/url] shoes[/url] shoes[/url] shoes[/url] shoes[/url] boots[/url] boots[/url]
jordans[/url] rug[/url] rolex[/url] (oxycodone)[/url] Vaio[/url] provider[/url] VoIP[/url] eye surgery[/url] life insurance[/url] life insurance[/url] advance[/url]
foreclosure[/url] Exchange[/url] solutions[/url] . I'll be very glad if I can help anybody find something he really needed Smile
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What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: What search engine provides you with most relevant results?   What search engine provides you with most relevant results? Empty

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What search engine provides you with most relevant results?
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